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Liver organ system

Managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

IBS has unknown cause and is separated according to symptoms in the Western approach. In Chinese medicine, people with IBS may be assessed according to whether their symptoms are worsened with stress or whether their IBS began with a gastro infection....

The Chinese medicine approach to lactation

The written records of Chinese medicine contain a rich and diverse body of knowledge extending back in time, thousands of years into the past. So what does this traditional view say about lactation? How are these principles applied to humans in modern times?...

Seeds and sprouts to grow and eat

Surrounding yourself with new life is a wonderful way to embrace the season. Watching your seeds sprout and grow is great visual therapy for the Liver in Spring, helping you to connect with the cycle of the seasons and harnessing the power of your subconscious...

Recipe: Zingy Spring Salad

With lots of green fresh herbs, sweet-sour green apple and tender sprouts, this is a great salad to rejuvenate a stagnant and congested Liver in Spring....

Gentle Spring detoxing

Spring is the perfect time to have a gentle detox, a "Spring Cleaning" within! Follow these Chinese-medicine guidelines to protect and nurture your inner resources while you gently let go of the heaviness of Winter....